Sunday, November 2, 2014

One Sacred Mountain...Two...

This the picture of the most sacred Arunchala Hills. It is considered to be alive with Shiva's energy. Walking around the hills, girivalam, is a sacred offering and considered panacea for our fears, incompletions and inadequacy we carry in our inner spaces.  Sight of Arunachala, Shikaradarshan, is considered to grant one inner peace. Remembrance of Arunachala, Smarnath Arunachala, is said to capitulate a person into higher vibrational and spiritual realms.

Here is the image of another most sacred mountain, Mount Kailash.

Know some of the world's most sacred mountains:

Chances are you have a sacred mountain near your home. Find it, discover it, and enjoy it!


  1. The Himalayas... I see them and pray unconsciously to the pantheon... Abode of the Gods..

    1. So, cool! What about a mountain closer to you? I dream of visiting the sacred spots in the Himalayas some day! It will happen!
