Friday, October 10, 2014

A walk saves...

There are times I wish I lived in a small village (not to mistake it with the shrunken, global village) filled with green, street full of friends, family, kith and kin for neighbors. I would not have to think twice about anything, except I don't like anywhere remotely near such a place. These concerns are secondary for me...

My primary reason in wanting to live in a village is for the walkability. I would walk everywhere. I could still be late, but I would be lighter in body and mind. At the most, I could race to meet my friends at the other end of the village. I miss walking.

Walking everyday supports the environment, one foot step at a time by...

  • Saving gas we use for fuel
  • Drastically decreasing our carbon footprint
  • Conserve gas with walking habit
  • Drastically reduce transportation costs
  • Improve physical health and wellbeing
Now you can measure the walkscore of your neighborhood... 

 I wish you all wonderful walking week ahead!

Read more about sustainable ways to transport in # Green Transport.

Thank you!


  1. I live in a village but not much of what I need like decent grocery or vegetables are available at walking distance. So perhaps some village planning is also required. But it surely is much better than to live in a big city!

    1. Thanks, Beloo di. I will write about the how city designs are changing. I hope to live in a village one day, just don't know where yet!
