Thursday, February 19, 2015


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Everyone should read children's books, especially the older and crabbier we get the more it should be mandated...Every citizen should check out 3 picture books a week and read it to somebody who can enjoy the story with them. Wouldn't be a great way to connect younger generation with the older generation. One needs attention and another needs company...3 children's book a week, is all it needs.

If anyone wants to use this idea for their story, do feel to use it. Please share the story with me ;-) I love a story.

Seriously, here is one perspective why we need to read more children's books...

It feeds our sense of whimsical and the freedom of perspective that helps us to grow.

Here is sterling example, a wonderful book

Take away the A: An Alphabeast of a book!

 Should be titled as An alphafeast of a book!

Normally, as a part of growing up, we are taught to think and live in poverty consciousness. We believe that we become poorer when we lose or give up something. We see people who seem to live the message "giving=losing."

This book give an alternate message. It speaks in yogic parlance of giving or removing to make your life richer. Don't believe me. 

Here are some examples for you to test it out--

without an A, a BEAST will become BEST
without an I, STAIRS will lead to the STARS
without an U, AUNT becomes an ANT...

So, let us try to be inclusive in our hearts and deeds and give away the Y, as the book says, 

without Y, YOURS is OURS...

Let us live in the same uplifting spirit, by giving whenever possible...

What would you rather be without? Let me know your favorite word play.